The newest range of luxury electric cassette fires from Solution Fires offers a host of innovative design features, fuelling their increasing popularity among customers. The LUX range delivers an ultra-realistic flame effect, created by the brands’ exclusive contoured flame effect technology. There are seven preset illumination themes to choose from, all of which change the […]
Read on to discover just a few quick and easy ways to refresh your fireplace for 2024.
In recent months, one homeowner in particular has caught our eye with some incredible content on social media.
WHAT’S NEW: Explore Our Latest Releases With bespoke solutions for every room regardless of the size of space you’re working with and state-of-the-art designs to suit the tastes of every homeowner, Solution Fires specialises in creating wow-factor centrepieces to elevate your home environment. Our mission is to provide customers with the ultimate authentic experience using […]
Here at Solution Fires, we are proud to deliver on both functionality and aesthetics, meaning even when you no longer require heat output from your fire, you can enjoy the benefits of an ultra-realistic flame display and an all-year-round centrepiece in whichever room you decide to place your fire.
Not only are our electric suites super easy to install, but they can also be entirely customised to suit your preferences, from the finish of your suite’s exterior, to the style of your log fuel bed, and even to hold all of your multi-media necessities! We can also tailor most of our suites to your size requirements so that they can seamlessly compliment your room design.
A fireplace not only provides visual interest and an attractive focal point, but is also the cosy heart of the home. Whether you choose a bespoke media wall installation or opt for a customisable suite, our range of electric fires are bound to be a staple to your abode. In this blog, we will navigate […]
When designing smaller rooms, integrating a stunning focal point with a statement fireplace and not swamping everything else in your space might seem a challenging process with not many solutions. However, at Solution Fires, we offer a range of options to cater for all shapes and sizes of rooms, no matter how big or small […]